Wednesday, November 5, 2014


             The argument in the article  Bangladesh  fire killed 112 people the argument of the article is why  why would the manager and the security guards  lie to the workers and say  that it was all part of a drill and lock the workers in. The  thing that I found upsetting is  why would the people just kept the workers in a burning building instead of letting them out. The surprising thing that I learned about in the article  is that the workers were not getting paid fairly. In the article I think that this should not happen  because it is wrong and just plain wrong. 

          The argument in the poem is that the workers would work all day and they would have no emotions what so ever  they were like the machines and they don't think at all. It says in the poem "I'm a machine ". The poem was different from the article because in the article it was talking about the people working in the factory and dying from a fire. It  affected my understanding of the poem because in the article it was talking about the people dying in the fire. In the poem a guy was talking about  how int he sweatshops he felt  like the machines in the factory.